Carbon Footprint of Organization (CFO)
This assessment scheme developed by Thai Greenhouse Gas Organization (TGO) has its main objective to assess organization capability to reduce amount of CO2 equivalent emission from an organization’s activities. Seven GHG (Greenhouse gases) under the Kyoto Protocol consists of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, and NF3. There are three types of GHG emission: SCOPE I (Direct Emission), SCOPE II (Indirect Emission), and SCOPE III (Other Indirect Emission).
Key information contained in the CFO report consists of the amount of CO2 equivalent emission by the organization activities under the above SCOPE(s) on a yearly basis. Based on the information, the organization can further identify mechanisms to improve the organization’s greenhouse gas emission situation, for example, through the purchase of carbon credits from another company.
CFO assessment helps the organization demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR) for environmental sustainability promotion through an annual report for improvement.
The verification purposed by TUV NORD (Thailand) is to assure that the CFO report made by the organization is reliable and trustworthy.